Wednesday, August 2, 2017

3 Months!!

Our Allie is 3 months old! Actually she was a little over a week ago, but we went to Powell so we're a little bit behind. She continues to amaze and impress me with what an easy-going baby she is and how wonderful she makes things. We wouldn't trade her for anything!

This month she:

-- has started cooing and they're the most adorable noises ever
-- has gotten a little more vocal about needing/wanting things
-- started sleeping through the night (I'm telling you... she's an angel baby!), sometimes still gets up for an early morning feeding, but then goes right back to bed
-- loves to play with her own hands and can regularly be found holding her own hands on her chest
-- is getting more control with moving her hands and legs
-- has more consistently become a stomach sleeper. She loves tummy time and especially being swaddled and laid on her stomach
-- is getting much better head control and will only lay on our shoulders if she's really relaxed
-- constantly gets comments about her hair wherever we go, and doesn't appear to have lost any of it
-- loves when big sister comes to play with her and talk to her - she gets a smile on her face as soon as she hears her coming close
-- has started taking an interest in her surroundings. She's always content to sit in someone's lap if it means she can watch what's going on in the room
-- has started drooling more and more, but is also spitting up less
-- has lived up to her occasional nickname of Houdini as she breaks out of her swaddles. We're not sure why she breaks out of them because she's much more content to stay wrapped up.
-- discovered she has a tongue and is always sticking out

(ignore the weird lighting... still figuring out the best time of day/place to take pictures in our new house)

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