Friday, April 25, 2014

Suggestions Please?

A few weeks ago I was so busy I felt like I barely had time to breathe. I was running from work, to class, to the library, back to class, to my internship, to lacrosse, and then home if I was lucky. I felt like my life was running me more than I was running it and I was exhausted all the time. I couldn't wait to get to this week, when I knew finals would end and I would have time to do what I wanted.

Now that I'm here, I hate to say this, but I'm bored. I've cleaned the apartment, I've made phone calls and done the errands that I need to. I'm trying to stay busy, but it feels like my days are so, so long. I don't know how this happened. I went from the busiest couple of months I've ever had to having more time than I know what to do with.

I'm trying to embrace it and enjoy the calm before the storm of us moving and starting dental school and the craziness starts again but I need some help :)

If anyone has any suggestions for great books to read, or fun things to do in Provo I'm all ears. Please, please help me stay busy and find things to do!

Chase and I are also working on a "bucketlist" of sorts for Provo - things we need to do before we move away and might not get the chance to do. Suggestions for that would be much appreciated as well!