Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

Chase got a full week off of school for Thanksgiving and we decided to go spend in with my family. We flew into Charlottesville and spent a day there before heading up to New York City for a few days. We had so much fun and were so glad we got to spend that time with them! We also got to see my cousin Lauren and her husband Brian which was super fun (we didn't take a picture though... oops).

We were OK about taking pictures, but missed a lot of chances partially because it was freezing outside and we didn't want our fingers to freeze haha. 

We went and saw the Statue of Liberty, the 9/11 memorial museum, the tree in Rockefeller Plaza, and did some fun shopping around on Black Friday. We got to see the big piano at FAO Schwarz and tried to stay away from too many crowds. We also got to go see A Gentleman's Guide to Love and Murder and Wicked. Loved loved loved both of them.

Statue of Liberty
Thanksgiving dinner 

Rockefeller Plaza

I am so, so grateful for so many things // My family (immediate and extended) // The time I get to spend with them // A wonderful husband // The chance that both of us have to be in school right now // Getting to live in Texas // New friends and old friends // Close by and far away // Getting to travel // A healthy body // Warm house // Food to eat // Netflix to watch (haha) // And so, so much more // I'm especially grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ // And the chance to celebrate Him this Christmas season // Also for selfies like this left on my phone (love her tons) //

She's gonna kill me...

// Also pretty sunrises like this that make getting up for early flights a little bit easier //

All in all a pretty great week! Let the countdown to Christmas begin


P.S. I cut my hair and got to donate it! It was a surprise for everyone but Julia, so I had to be pretty secretive about it. But it's been a really fun change so far! 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Halloween plus an Update

Life has been pretty busy around here. 

Chase has stayed busy with school - classes and test seem never ending and I'm not even the one taking them! We look forward to weekends as a break from all the classes, especially our Sundays when Chase doesn't study and we get to spend all day together.

I'm staying busy with my class, applying for student teaching, substituting here and there, trying out new recipes, and recently working on our Halloween costumes. 

We're both loving teaching the Sunday School class for the youth in our church and getting to do that together. Still loving board games when we find time, and dinner dates with other couples from our ward or from Chase's dental class. 


When we were talking about Halloween and what we wanted to be. We wanted something fairly simple, but also something we both were interested in. We ended up deciding on our costumes of Calvin and Hobbes and had so much fun shopping for the parts of our outfits we didn't already have in our closets and putting it together. It required a little bit of sewing and lots of sharpie-ing but I'm extremely proud of how they turned out! 

Our ward Trunk-or-Treat was two days before Halloween and our costumes weren't quite ready. We threw some things together out of our closets to end up as a 50s couple. Funny enough, some of our friends dressed up as Doc and Marty McFly from Back to the Future and we ended up looking just like Marty's parents. It was great. 

Friday, September 12, 2014

The Book of Mormon

Chase and I just finished reading the Book of Mormon together for the first time this last week. I am so grateful for his patience with all of my questions and his willingness to discuss the things we learn. I loved this experience with him and am so excited to start it again!

I thought I would take this chance to share my testimony of the Book of Mormon. I know that my Savior lives. I know that He came to the Americas after He was resurrected and saw, taught, healed, and loved the people there. I know that He restored truths of the gospel to them so that they could progress on their eternal journey. I know that Joseph Smith translated the Book of Mormon. I know that he was a prophet of God and that through his translating he was able to learn of the truths that have helped establish this true church today. I am so grateful for him and his sacrifice. I am overwhelmed by the sacrifices of the people and the prophets in the Book of Mormon, that they made so that we could know of the truths and miracles that they knew and experienced. I love feeling the Spirit while I read the stories of the Book of Mormon and learning something new every day and every time I read it. I know that the many languages the Book of Mormon has been translated into and the way that its truth is being spread is nothing short of a miracle, and also nothing less than what has been prophesied. I am grateful to be a part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and to know so many people that are willing to leave their lives behind to help others come to find the truth. I gain a greater peace and a greater sense of gratitude for the Book of Mormon every time I read it and can't wait to see what I will learn this next time. It really does contain the things we need to know to find happiness and direction for how to live our lives righteously. What more could we ask for?

If anyone wants to learn more you can go here, or if you would like a free copy of the Book of Mormon then go here

And if you have any questions please feel free to ask me! I'd be happy to answer them or find someone who can!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

We Made It!

I'm about a month late... but we made it to San Antonio!

The move was a little crazy - leaving later than we anticipated, then driving all the way through the night, waking up the first morning to flash flood warnings, moving furniture, having to call road-side assistance to get the truck in on time, followed by going to the wrong church building the first Sunday, and needing a couple runs to the store to figure out what exactly we needed. I also was so sleep-deprived and in a hurry to have things start feeling like home I completely neglected to take pictures of any of it.

Now that it's all done though, we're feeling much more comfortable! We were able to find a couch to replace the ones we sold in Provo, Romney and Easton helped us move our furniture in and set it all up (thank you, thank you!), and despite having to condense and squish some things we found a place for everything!

We love San Antonio so far. We have a few other couples from the ward in our complex which is great and we have so much to do relatively close by. We've already been to see the Alamo, and are finding new things that sound fun regularly - including a giant gummy bear in a candy store and the 100th anniversary of the zoo, complete with a carousel :)

Chase is busy, busy, busy with school and is working extremely hard. His course load is quite a bit heavier than we were used to in Provo, and requires quite a bit more studying at home. He's great and makes time for me despite all of this - which I am super grateful for. He even got a fancy pair of scrubs from the school that make him look very official.

We also love being so close to Chase's family! We got to spend the 4th of July weekend with them and had a blast.

All in all I think we're going to have a great time here while Chase is in school and I'm excited to see what happens!


PS I just started this blog with two of my very best friends - feel free to check it out!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What BYU Lacrosse Means to Me

My junior year of high school was spent going on college visits what felt like every weekend. I had a list of schools that I was interested in and I was hoping and praying that they were interested in me too. At each school I weighed a list of pros and cons about the school and it's details, as well as the lacrosse team there, trying to somehow sort out a list of my preferences - much easier said than done. I spent the summer after junior year at camp after camp after camp. I had 18 days at home that summer, not exactly a dream vacation, but to me it was amazing getting to play that much and to grow so much. At the end of the summer I didn't have any offers and was heartbroken. I started thinking of new ways to become what I had dreamed of for so long - a college lacrosse player.

By the time senior year rolled around I put in my applications to a few schools, hoping that they wouldn't matter, that I would be recruited anyway and not need an application, but knowing it might be a long shot. I figured that worst case scenario I would get in and go try to be a walk-on at one of the schools I applied to. I applied to BYU even though that was the last thing I wanted at the time.

Clearly the Lord wanted me here. I'm still not entirely sure why but am so grateful for the experiences that I have had here at BYU. I didn't get in to any of the other schools that I had applied to. I got waitlisted, but at this point was sick of the rollercoaster of whether or not I was going to make it into a school or not and I wanted to be able to start making plans. So BYU it was.

My mom and I drove 32 hours straight across the country, slept for about 11, then got started moving me in and ready to start school. I went to the lacrosse meeting and got extremely nervous. All through tryouts I was nervous and wasn't sure I would make it. I was so, so, so happy to find out I made the team and started a journey that has helped me in so many ways.

Jump forward 4 and a half years and here's just part of what I got out of all of it:

This team, throughout multiple years and changes in rosters has provided me with some of my very best friends that I'm more than certain rescued me out of situations that would have been much more problematic without them. They have stood beside me through ups and downs both on and off the field. I learned how to be a better leader. I went on some of the longest and best road trips of my life. I experienced some of the biggest joys and surprises and disappointments and frustrations and happiness of my life. I learned more than I thought possible how to juggle different responsibilities. I learned how to get creative with where we could practice. I learned how to dress for both freezing and burning temperatures (sometimes in the same week). I learned how to communicate and sacrifice and dedicate myself to something bigger than just me. I learned how to bite my tongue and to channel my passion and energy into something constructive. I learned fun and weird things about teammates 8 hours into a 12 hour drive. I sang songs in funny accents and with mixed up words more times than I'd like to admit. I met wonderful families that opened their homes to us. I learned how tiring 6am workouts are. I cheered until I lost my voice multiple times. I learned that we have fans all over the country, and other fans willing to come all over the country to visit us. I got out of my comfort zone to fundraise so we would have the money to go to all of our tournaments. I overshared information about myself and laughed about it the whole time with some of my favorite girls. I learned how to effectively stalk other teams on multiple websites. I had multiple girl crushes. I celebrated little things and big things. I cried during practice. I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants at practice. I practiced in rain boots while it was snowing, with a kickball and a football. I followed traditions and started new ones. I learned from older girls and hope that I was able to teach younger girls. I had more swollen ankles and bruises than I want to count. I put more miles on my car than I want to know. I got to represent the school that I attended, and my beliefs to people all over the country. I became a better person because of the people that surrounded me. My testimony grew because of the great examples of the same girls.

I got more out of being a part of this team than I can ever give back. I am so sad to be done with this part of my lacrosse experience, but am so much more grateful to everyone who made it so great, and so grateful to be lucky enough to have gotten to enjoy it so much.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Suggestions Please?

A few weeks ago I was so busy I felt like I barely had time to breathe. I was running from work, to class, to the library, back to class, to my internship, to lacrosse, and then home if I was lucky. I felt like my life was running me more than I was running it and I was exhausted all the time. I couldn't wait to get to this week, when I knew finals would end and I would have time to do what I wanted.

Now that I'm here, I hate to say this, but I'm bored. I've cleaned the apartment, I've made phone calls and done the errands that I need to. I'm trying to stay busy, but it feels like my days are so, so long. I don't know how this happened. I went from the busiest couple of months I've ever had to having more time than I know what to do with.

I'm trying to embrace it and enjoy the calm before the storm of us moving and starting dental school and the craziness starts again but I need some help :)

If anyone has any suggestions for great books to read, or fun things to do in Provo I'm all ears. Please, please help me stay busy and find things to do!

Chase and I are also working on a "bucketlist" of sorts for Provo - things we need to do before we move away and might not get the chance to do. Suggestions for that would be much appreciated as well!

Thursday, January 30, 2014


Where did January go?

It seriously came and went faster than I thought possible.

January can be rough with bad weather, getting sick, overcrowded tracks and gyms, adjusting to a new schedule, and many other things but it can also be pretty great.

I love the idea of starting over and having a clean slate. There's so much potential, so much room to make what you want out of everything you experience. All it takes is a decision. A choice to pick what you want out of your decisions and how you want things to be.

That's my new goal - amongst many others - to choose how I want things to be and to do what I need to, in order to make them that way. There will obviously be things I can't control, but I'm choosing to make this year awesome. To see things for the best. To enjoy as much of it as I possibly can.

Because why would I want to choose any other way?

Monday, January 6, 2014

1 year

It's crazy to think about what can happen in a year...

At this time last year I was working on my mission papers to serve a full-time mission for The Church. I was so excited for the chance to learn and grow and to serve people without having to think about anything else.

I thought that I would be leaving for a year and a half and would pick back up where I left off once I was back.

Little did I know that there were other plans in the works. Today is 11 months that Chase and I have been officially together. I quickly fell in love, waited for him to fall just as hard for me ;), got engaged, and am so happy to be married to my best friend (best 3+ months ever).

In that time I've also competed in the national championship tournament for my lacrosse team, been skydiving for the second time, grew even closer to my family, got a new family to be a part of, had my best semester and term ever in college, made a ton of really great new friends, spent time with old friends, had my testimony grow, hit my year mark at work, managed to not sprain an ankle (knock on wood), and have loved every minute of it.

I'm so grateful to not always know the bigger picture, to just be preparing for what I'm ready for and I'm grateful for a Heavenly Father who knows me and knows what's best for me to allow that to happen.

I can't wait to see the adventures that 2014 holds :)