Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What BYU Lacrosse Means to Me

My junior year of high school was spent going on college visits what felt like every weekend. I had a list of schools that I was interested in and I was hoping and praying that they were interested in me too. At each school I weighed a list of pros and cons about the school and it's details, as well as the lacrosse team there, trying to somehow sort out a list of my preferences - much easier said than done. I spent the summer after junior year at camp after camp after camp. I had 18 days at home that summer, not exactly a dream vacation, but to me it was amazing getting to play that much and to grow so much. At the end of the summer I didn't have any offers and was heartbroken. I started thinking of new ways to become what I had dreamed of for so long - a college lacrosse player.

By the time senior year rolled around I put in my applications to a few schools, hoping that they wouldn't matter, that I would be recruited anyway and not need an application, but knowing it might be a long shot. I figured that worst case scenario I would get in and go try to be a walk-on at one of the schools I applied to. I applied to BYU even though that was the last thing I wanted at the time.

Clearly the Lord wanted me here. I'm still not entirely sure why but am so grateful for the experiences that I have had here at BYU. I didn't get in to any of the other schools that I had applied to. I got waitlisted, but at this point was sick of the rollercoaster of whether or not I was going to make it into a school or not and I wanted to be able to start making plans. So BYU it was.

My mom and I drove 32 hours straight across the country, slept for about 11, then got started moving me in and ready to start school. I went to the lacrosse meeting and got extremely nervous. All through tryouts I was nervous and wasn't sure I would make it. I was so, so, so happy to find out I made the team and started a journey that has helped me in so many ways.

Jump forward 4 and a half years and here's just part of what I got out of all of it:

This team, throughout multiple years and changes in rosters has provided me with some of my very best friends that I'm more than certain rescued me out of situations that would have been much more problematic without them. They have stood beside me through ups and downs both on and off the field. I learned how to be a better leader. I went on some of the longest and best road trips of my life. I experienced some of the biggest joys and surprises and disappointments and frustrations and happiness of my life. I learned more than I thought possible how to juggle different responsibilities. I learned how to get creative with where we could practice. I learned how to dress for both freezing and burning temperatures (sometimes in the same week). I learned how to communicate and sacrifice and dedicate myself to something bigger than just me. I learned how to bite my tongue and to channel my passion and energy into something constructive. I learned fun and weird things about teammates 8 hours into a 12 hour drive. I sang songs in funny accents and with mixed up words more times than I'd like to admit. I met wonderful families that opened their homes to us. I learned how tiring 6am workouts are. I cheered until I lost my voice multiple times. I learned that we have fans all over the country, and other fans willing to come all over the country to visit us. I got out of my comfort zone to fundraise so we would have the money to go to all of our tournaments. I overshared information about myself and laughed about it the whole time with some of my favorite girls. I learned how to effectively stalk other teams on multiple websites. I had multiple girl crushes. I celebrated little things and big things. I cried during practice. I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants at practice. I practiced in rain boots while it was snowing, with a kickball and a football. I followed traditions and started new ones. I learned from older girls and hope that I was able to teach younger girls. I had more swollen ankles and bruises than I want to count. I put more miles on my car than I want to know. I got to represent the school that I attended, and my beliefs to people all over the country. I became a better person because of the people that surrounded me. My testimony grew because of the great examples of the same girls.

I got more out of being a part of this team than I can ever give back. I am so sad to be done with this part of my lacrosse experience, but am so much more grateful to everyone who made it so great, and so grateful to be lucky enough to have gotten to enjoy it so much.


  1. I really would like to agree on how much you have grown up....and I have regressed in my growing up stage when I was around you great ladies...

  2. I started thinking of new ways to become what I had dreamed of for so long - a college lacrosse player.this page

  3. Lacrosse is a fast game that involves quick movement, flexibility, and maximum control. To excel at lacrosse, it is important to invest in the right equipment.
