This month she:
-- is pulling herself up on anything she can find
-- repeats syllables left and right
-- mimics what we say
-- learned to clap!
-- is teething, but we can’t feel the teeth without risking losing the tip of our finger
-- hit the stage where she is mostly interested in whatever everyone else is doing
-- is still exploring foods, has yet to really turn down anything we’ve offered except puréed garden veggies
-- is a SPEEDY crawler
-- will walk if we hold her hands. Sometimes it's normal steps, sometimes it's more of soldier march type walk that cracks us up
-- is getting braver and braver as she cruises along furniture
-- won’t sit still for a diaper change or to put clothes on
-- not a huge fan of her car seat
-- occasionally sleeps through the night
-- is finally in 6-12 month clothes
-- squints her eyes and snort-breathes when she’s excited (mostly when dad comes home, or we go outside, or she’s about to get a bottle)
-- still mostly content to just be (I LOVE this about her)
-- showing more and more interest in books (our fault for introducing them kinda late)
-- sleeps through the night on occasion, other than that just getting up once
-- loves to follow Peyton around the house and get into whatever she's playing with. Peyton usually gets frustrated but when she tolerates it, it's the cutest thing ever
-- does this really cute/funny thing when she wakes up in her crib: she always pulls herself to standing on the crib bars (even after we moved her mattress to the lowest spot), and ALWAYS is holding her blanket in her hand, sometimes burying her face in it while she cries. Then when we pick her up, she drops it immediately. Funny girl
-- still is a daddy's girl through and through
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