Friday, March 2, 2018

10 Months!

Our baby Allie is not much a baby anymore. She is growing and learning so much and it's so fun to get to watch. Peyton still insists she's a baby on a regular basis and just spent this morning telling me about how Allie's hands were small and Peyton's were big haha, so at least she'll be Baby Allie to one of us forever ;)

This month she:

-- learned how to crawl/climb out of her high chair. It's about as bad as it sounds.
-- still has just 2 teeth. I don't know what I mistook for teething earlier, but her top teeth are nowhere to be found
-- figured out how to consistently crawl with her stomach off the ground
-- is finally starting to be a more consistent/longer sleeper
-- eats like she's never going to be fed again
-- still isn't loving her carseat, but is doing better than before
-- thinks Peyton is the funniest
-- also thinks Peyton can be terrifying
-- figured out how to pull ALL the movies and books off of the shelf in the living room - it's a mess I clean up multiple times every day
-- wants to be included in what the whole family is doing more and more
-- still LOVES bathtime
-- has kind of figured out sippy cups when we remember to give them to her
-- can kind of walk if we just hold one hand, and is pretty quick if we're holding both
-- loves to ride on the little cars we have and will chase Peyton around if she's riding on it
-- loves to "share" things with us as long as we give them right back haha
-- giggles and giggles at her stuffed Sneetch and Peyton's baby doll
-- has no fear of heights (or maybe concept of heights haha) and will crawl right over the edge of things if we'll let her
-- has been a little extra snuggly with mom and dad. We both love it.
-- learned how to give high-fives. 
-- recognizes what we're saying when we sign a few words to her, but has zero interest in signing herself
-- has developed a strong interest in cabinets and pulling things out of them - especially all the lids to the pots and pans
-- loves to play with the toys on the edge of the bathtub and will sneak in there if I'm not paying close enough attention to knock them into the tub and giggle to herself

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