Friday, May 26, 2017

1 Month :)

Our Allie-bug is 5 weeks old today! Which means I'm less than a week behind posting this. I'd say that's pretty good haha. I can't believe it's already been 5 weeks... I feel like we were just getting home from the hospital a few days ago. She is such an easy-going baby and has been a perfect addition to our family! We can't imagine not having her around and are so glad the transition has been pretty easy for everyone (now I just need to figure out how to get in and out of the car with two kids and a load of groceries by myself haha).

Right now Allie:

-- doesn't like being swaddled
-- loves tummy time
-- has SO much hair that basically styles itself
-- is regularly sleeping 4 hour stretches at night
-- already is a trouper about being carted around at inconvenient times
-- grunts a whole lot (but hardly ever cries)
-- smiles at dad
-- likes our dark picture frames in the living room
-- is very vocal about when she's hungry
-- is a great eater
-- tolerates her binky being put in and taken out by big sister on a regular basis
-- looks super similar to Peyton, with just a little more Chase in her

We love her so much (Peyton included) and are so excited to watch her grow!!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Allie's Birth Story

I'm hoping that the notes we took during this whole experience will help me fill in the fuzzy details, but I figured it's about time to write about Allie's birth story!

I had a doctor's appointment on Wednesday (the 19th) and was at a 3 and about 50% effaced and was so excited to hear that I had progressed to that point, but really wasn't sure how anything was going to go since my labor experience with Peyton was so unique. After talking about everything with my doctor, learning that she was going to be out of town part of the next week, knowing Chase's schedule was open the next few days, but would be busy the next week, and with how I was feeling about being pregnant and labor in general we decided to schedule an induction for Friday morning.

My mom flew in Thursday afternoon which was awesome to get some time with her before Allie arrived, and to let Peyton warm up to her a little bit ;). We packed our bags, got everything ready, and hung out, hoping that my body was progressing more on its own. We did some walking around and I played with Peyton more actively than I had the few days before. It was pretty surreal to know when Allie was arriving. It's also really weird to not know when they're coming, so I think it's just something you're never quite prepared for if I'm being honest haha. I was equally excited and nervous, and also a little sad to be ending my time with Peyton as an only child.

We got to the hospital at 5:40am, there had apparently been a pretty busy night the night before, so after they did my check in and got things ready we got back to the labor room at 7:15am. My nurse checked me a little bit later and I found out I was still at a 3. I was honestly kind of bummed to hear that. I had been having more contractions than ever before on my own and wanted to progress more, but it was ok. Getting pitocin didn't make me nearly as nervous as it did with Peyton since I knew how my body reacted already. We started the pitocin around 8:20.

We forgot to get a picture of my 40 week belly... so here's the best we got haha.
About 45 minutes later Dr. Haun came in and checked me. I was still at a 3, but 75% effaced. She broke my water and said she'd be back to see us in a few hours. I also asked for an epidural at this point just knowing that my contractions would get worse and closer together and not be very comfortable.

By 11, my epidural was in and I was at a 4. They doubled the pitocin they were giving me because my contractions started spacing themselves out. At this point it was just waiting for baby girl to decide she was ready and make her appearance! At 12:15, we increased my pitocin again trying to keep my contractions as regular as they needed to be. By 1:30 I was at a 6 1/2! I was pretty excited to be progressing pretty quickly.

Around 2:15 my nurse and Chase helped me sit up (instead of just rotating side to side) and I started felling really bad contractions even with the epidural. It wasn't great especially since I hadn't expected it. But I think the epidural was preventing back labor and still kinda working. I knew the doctor was coming soon so I decided to try to tough it out until she got there, knowing it was supposed to be helping me progress more.

15-20 minutes later I sent Chase to go get my nurse because I was so uncomfortable to see if we could turn down the pitocin. The nurse came in to check me and was surprised to find out I was totally complete. She was almost here! They called Dr. Haun and told her to hurry. She got here at 2:45, and we got ready for me to start pushing. I pushed through 3 1/2 contractions with great encouragement from my nurse, Dr. Haun, and Chase, and then she was here! Allie Jo Trejo arrived at 2:56pm. She was 7 lb. 4 oz. and 20 inches long (same weight and a 1/2 inch longer than Peyton).

They put her on my chest right away and I was pretty overwhelmed with emotions. I couldn't believe that she was finally here and we were parents of two. I was so glad to go through the whole experience with Chase next to me. He was extremely supportive through the whole pregnancy and I couldn't have done it without him.

Next, we got to introduce Peyton and Allie and I was so excited! I had no idea how this moment would go, but was really excited for our whole family to be together for the first time.

Peyton brought in a bear for Allie, which I think was good for her to have a specific job to do. I had used the bear to tell Chase I was pregnant, and Peyton has loved playing with it for the past couple months. She was pretty hesitant to get close to Allie at first and was nervous about mom's "owies" (all the bracelets I had on my wrist). She kept nervous giggling, but warmed up faster than I expected and even helped hold her that first day. She's just warmed up even more since then and really loves to help with her as much as she can. Peyton is an awesome big sister and we're extra grateful for that.

I'm so amazed at how my heart has just grown to fit all the love I have for an extra person, and also for the extra love I feel for both Chase and Peyton. It was such a special experience again to get to bring a baby into this world, and even though it keeps not being exactly how I would have planned, I end up being grateful for every part of it.

Monday, May 1, 2017

18 Months

Where did the last year and a half go? Peyton is looking like, acting like, and seeming more like a toddler than a baby every day (it probably helps that we added a newborn to the house which made Peyton seem HUGE overnight). We love her and her ever-growing personality.

These days she:
-- has stopped doing baby sign language
-- learns new words on a regular basis (even if it takes us a few tries to decipher them)
-- insists on using utensils every chance she gets
-- loves to help when she's asked, and loves even more to be told she's a good helper
-- gives us lots of practice taking turns at her command ("mom turn, dada turn, Payties turn")
-- loves cars, helicopters, and airplanes
-- loves the pool even if she doesn't always love getting in - it's also 10x more exciting if Preston is there (her neighbor friend that's 6 months older than her)
-- has a new favorite food: "faffles and ceem" (waffles and whipped cream)
-- has to have her drink and "cerrul" (cereal) for car rides and helps us remember to put them in the diaper bag when we get to our destinations
-- has learned to put on her own shoes, and constantly puts them on the wrong feet no matter how many times we put them on the correct way for her
-- still loves shoes and is always willing to help get mom or dad's shoes for them, especially if it means going outside
-- LOVES to eat fruit
-- sleeps cuddled with a stuffed lamb and a bear every night
-- has started helping say prayers
-- has figured out what the word fast means and likes to try to walk fast and help other people walk fast
-- likes to help put on lotion and do her bedtime routine especially if she gets bubbles in her bath
-- loves to kiss mom, dad, and "Baby Owie" (Baby Allie)
-- has her canines mostly in on the bottom, and only needs 6 more baby teeth!
-- loves animals and going through what they say, but is still nervous to get close to very many of them
-- her favorite time of day is when dad gets home, she yells "daddy!" over and over and goes running to him!
-- has learned most of her letters thanks to a puzzle she loves to do 10 times a day
-- is totally fascinated by bugs and always points them out, but never gets too close
-- loves to play with her "laylows" (Legos), especially with dad
-- hilariously tries to help people stand up by grabbing their hand and lifting it as high as she can (sometimes even up onto her tiptoes) and saying up and then grunting as she tries to help lift them up
-- is already the cutest big sister