I can't believe we've had Allie as part of our family for 4 months already! Time is seriously flying by. It's exciting and scary all at the same time. She continues to be such a joy and keeping us all giggling and melting over her huge smiles. I think it's safe to say we all feel like we just can't get enough of her.
This month she:
-- has found her hands. She constantly is playing with them, pulling things up closer to her, holding onto anything she can find, and just this past week reaching for things in front of her face!
-- rolled over! She can now regularly roll from her back to her front and is usually ok to stay there for a little bit.
-- loves to cover her face with blankets. She shoves them into her mouth, but also pulls them over her eyes and usually sleeps better if she has a little bit of her face covered. We're not sure what that's all about
-- has regressed in her sleeping a little bit :( I'm not too happy about it. She gets up at least once a night, usually twice and has a hard time falling back asleep the second time.
-- giggles pretty regularly :) It's the happiest, cutest noise. There's not really any way to know what will cause it, but luckily we've caught it on video a few times so it's saved forever!
-- is getting less content with being left by herself. She loves to have other people's attention, especially Peyton's. If we lay her down on the floor and leave to go get something, or walk out of her line of sight she starts fussing.
-- still is wearing 0-3 month clothes and people are always surprised to hear how old she is. She's definitely still petite.
-- has enough hair to fit into a ponytail! Pigtails are much easier (as you'll see in the pictures), plus Peyton says that Allie is "so pretty!!" when she has her pigtails in.
-- has started chatting away. It comes in bursts, but when she wants to talk, she'll coo for a long time, and back and forth with us like she's having a conversation
-- still LOVES Peyton. Peyton usually gets the biggest smiles out of Allie and the most laughs. It melts my heart to see them becoming such good friends already. I sure hope it stays this way and there aren't too many fights in their future haha
-- loves the bath. She gets really excited to be put in the water and kicks and splashes most of the time she's in there.
-- has started pushing up during tummy time and holding her head up for a second or two. She always seems surprised to see our faces when she gets her head up, but cracks the biggest smiles.
-- is still sleeping in mom and dad's room, but we're hoping to change that this week. Hopefully that will help everyone sleep better
-- continues to be one of the happiest babies I've seen, except when she has tummy issues and then gets mad and loud pretty fast. Hopefully starting on some solids soon will help with that.
-- puts up well with being arguably smothered by mom, dad, Peyton (who loves to give her "squeezes" by laying on top of her haha)
-- has started sitting up in the bumbo fairly regularly and likes to be able to look around on her own. She sometimes still falls over sideways and can't quite get herself back up though. Peyton also gets jealous and asks to sit in the "blue seat" every time so Allie's turns are sometimes pretty short.
-- hasn't shown any sign of teething, which mom is grateful for
-- still likes to have her binky, but also sucks on her fingers regularly when she can't find the binky
Those little pig tails are to die for! I forgot about the sleep regression at this age..it was a very sad day lol, but she is such a cutie..love reading the updates!