Wednesday, August 2, 2017

21 Months

It's been a little while since the last update on Peyton, she's growing and advancing a ton and is hard to keep up with sometimes... in the best way possible :) We can't believe how big she is and what a toddler she's grown into. We're so grateful she lets us experiment all of our parenting on her and puts up with us so well.

Recently Peyton:
-- has extremely expanded her vocabulary, it's a pretty regular occurrence for her to say something that I had no idea she knew existed, much less how to say it
-- has started to really love her baby sister. She asks to hold her and feed her and if she can come with us no matter where we are going. She's always concerned about where Allie's sleeping, and where all of her stuff is. It's adorable.
-- is finally starting to wear 18-24 month clothes... just a little bit late
-- learned how to run and can actually run for a little while without losing her balance
-- started enjoying coloring with mom and dad's pens (we had to have an important conversation about where we're allowed to color), and have switched to color wonder markers (we're extra grateful to Crayola for that invention)
-- has started to try new foods, but still loves fruit more than anything else
-- takes after her mom and LOVES pink milk haha
-- still loves to be told she's a helper - it's the quickest way to get her to do something
-- has gotten extra attached to mom, and doesn't like to be left in a room without her
-- is impressively good at remembering people's names - we're not sure where that one came from since it's not a skill either one of us claim, but it makes going through pictures fun
-- has started saying please and thank you without any prompting (SO glad our insistence there is paying off)
-- LOVES shoes. She has a different name for each pair of her shoes and loves to take them off and put them on herself.
-- has started giving the best "gueezes" (squeezes), wrapping both arms around us and squeezing tight
-- already has 2 favorite movies we rotate between: the "baby foovie" (Hotel Transylvania 2) and the "maui foovie" (Moana)
-- asks to ride in the "blue car cart" no matter which store we're going to, and gets super excited if that's actually the cart we get at the grocery store
-- still has to go to bed surrounded by stuffed animals, but hugging her lamb and her bear
-- has been to SeaWorld twice and loves the rollercoasters. We're equally surprised and impressed. She sits through the whole ride with a stone face and as soon as it's over asks if we can go "again, again?"
-- thinks she can jump super high, and loves to jump on couches, beds, and sometimes the floor. It's pretty entertaining to watch.
-- knows most of her colors and loves to point out different colored things
-- loves going to nursery and asks us every time we're going to church when she'll get to go play with toys and have "nacks" (snacks)
-- still loves planes, cars, trucks, busses, and helicopters - she points them out whenever she can see them
-- also loves games, even if she has no idea how to actually play she likes to pull all the pieces out and make her own version. She always does a great job of putting all the pieces away before she asks for "a nudder" (another) game
-- LOVES playing hide-and-seek and says "surprise" whenever she gets visible again. She'll also play hide-and-go-seek by hiding her fingers, toes, hands, etc, anything she can hide and then find, and will even play by herself in her crib or carseat.
-- has started mimicking faces we'll make to her - her attempts are hilarious
-- has started using more descriptive phrases and sometimes sentences. She's slowly using more words for instructions/requests instead of just gesturing
-- learned how to swim! She does an awesome job in her puddle jumper and is so much braver in it than I think either of us anticipated she would be.

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