I still want to do periodic updates about Peyton and the ways she's growing, if only to write them down so I can remember. The past few months have flown by! I can't believe that Peyton is already 15 months old, but I also have a hard time remembering how little she was when I look back at pictures from a year ago. I feel like I keep saying this but her personality gets bigger and bigger the more she grows. Most days I can't get enough of it ;) She's a fireball and I'm sure will keep us busy for the rest of forever, but I really wouldn't have it any other way.
These days she:
- knows animal noises for fish, elephants, dogs, cats, snakes, cows, owls, (sometimes) lions and can recognize a few other animals but doesn't know what they say haha
- vocally says mom, dad, please, food, car, truck, house, shoes, socks, shirt, pants, teeth, mouth, tongue, eyes, ears, head, uh oh, highchair, drink, diaper, book, movie, boo, church, baby, bear, dog, bird, spoon, bow, cereal, apple, up please, ball, catch, all done, outside, bubbles, belly button, church, Jesus, temple and probably a few more I'm forgetting
- still signs food, all done, drink, banana, apple please, and thank you
- her favorite things are shoes, socks, balls, books, cars, and going outside with dad
- is surprisingly good at brushing her teeth (she now has 9 and a half of them)
- is working on learning to feed herself, and loves to use utensils
- still loves to watch videos of herself but calls herself baby
- gives the best hugs and cutest kisses
- blows kisses to lots of people
- is as stubborn as ever
- LOVES cereal, it's probably her favorite food
- practices being a big sister with her baby doll and her bears
- gives "mom's baby" kisses and says hi
- nods or shakes her head to tell us if she wants something (sometimes it's incredibly helpful, sometimes it's super frustrating haha)
- rarely sits still
- just barely moved up into 12-18 month clothes haha
- loves reading, much to dad's delight one of her favorite books is the Star Wars LEGO one
- folds her arms and says amen for prayers (we've made it through about 2 prayers with her folding them the whole time)
- loves to go get the mail
- wants to walk up the stairs all the time and then grunts on each step, we think it's hilarious
- will reach for both of our hands when we're walking and goes into what we call "turbo speed" for about 3 seconds before she gets tired
- does great in her carseat as long as she has snacks and a drink
- is recently down to one nap a day :(
- is still fascinated by other kids, but mostly likes to watch from a distance
- loves bath time and tries to get away from us when we tell her it's time to get out
- sleeps surrounded by her stuffed animals that she insists have to be all around her
*p.s. officially less than three months until my due date! That's equally terrifying and exciting :)
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