Monday, January 23, 2017

1 Year

This post is so long overdue it's almost embarrassing. I think I was in denial for a while that my baby girl was officially entering toddler-hood. But she turned one and there's not really anything I can do to stop it haha. But no matter how I feel about it, it should be documented because she's so cute and so much fun!

The last month of her first year she:

- gained a little more confidence walking but still refuses to do it on her own
- loves to help unload the dishwasher, especially the utensils
- really likes looking at the pictures on the wall and pointing at dad
- will say hi and bye to the car and the house when prompted (usually accompanied by lots of waving)
- still rips bows out of her hair on a regular basis
- has 6 teeth!
- is loving her stroller and being pushed around in it
- loves to read the same books over and over again
- started saying mama! It was totally worth the wait
- still only remembers how to say please and will point and do her own kind of little grunt as she signs please to get what she wants
- for sure knows what and who she wants and is pretty stubborn until she gets it
- gets us stopped by lots of people at the grocery store saying hi and how cute she is
- loves her bear and will go get it out of the toy bin if she's asked
- finally fits into her 9-12 month clothes well :)
- has discovered a love for fruit snacks and mini marshmallows (yes they were used as bribery for this photo shoot haha)

1 comment:

  1. I always love reading your updates! When you posted her 15 month one today, I realized that I missed her 1 year post! How much did she weigh when she was one year? Carter is already in 12 month clothes! Yikes. She is so so cute. And I hadn't realized cute and dainty ��
