Saturday, December 26, 2015

2 Months!

Our little Miss Peyton is 2 months old! We love her more than ever and are loving seeing the new things she is learning and doing.

This month she:

-- Consistently slept 4-6 hour stretches during the night (sometimes even up to 8!)
-- Learned how to smile
-- Loves her daddy
-- Smiles big when daddy whistles into her hair
-- Speaking of her hair... It goes straight into an afro after bath time but we love it.
-- It's also the first thing everyone notices about her
-- Has big beautiful, blue eyes
-- Has started to find her voice and occasionally coos
-- Loves to be put in the swing and sleeps well there
-- Loves bath time more than anything else
-- Has started to discover her hands but sometimes has a hard time finding them to suck on (we feel bad, but it's very funny to watch)
-- Is much more alert and loves to look around
-- Loves being outside
-- Gets called Stinky, Stinker, Baby Girl, Peyton Lady, and Sweet Girl
-- Most of all makes mom and dad feel like the luckiest people in the world, especially when she smiles at them!

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