Wednesday, August 3, 2016

9 Months!!

Peyton has now been in the world as long as she was in my belly. That's a hard concept for me to wrap my head around. I still have a hard time remembering what life was like without her sometimes, then other times I can't believe how fast time is flying and how big she is getting! No worries though, she's still very "petite." That's the word the doctor uses when we go get checkups haha. She's got a big noggin (close to the 75th percentile), she's around the 25th percentile for height, and barely on the chart for her weight in about the 2nd percentile. We love our little lady and had another awesome month with her.

Currently she's:

- exploring more and more of mom and dad's foods instead of her baby food
- dying to be moving around on her own but very cautious to try
- happiest when we're holding her hands helping her walk (she gets pretty speedy if we let her)
- more giggly than ever before. Mom can't get enough of it
- babbling away on a regular basis
- hating being put in her carseat, but does fine once she has someone or something to look at
- loved on by lots of family (she got to meet lots of cousins, and spend time with lots of aunts and uncles and great aunts and uncles and grandparents and even great-grandparents this month)
- a big fan of swimming at the lake and in the pool, but not a huge fan of bathtime
- fighting bedtime consistently, but sleeping through the night (woohoo!!)
- a huge flirt. She waves and giggles and plays with all the boys a few months older than her at church (we're in trouble when she grows up)
- great at waving hi, bye, and night night
- shaking her head constantly. Sometimes to be silly, sometimes to dance, and sometimes to copy mom/dad. We're hoping it doesn't include saying no...
- getting shy around strangers and hates to be left alone
- got 3 teeth! The 4th one made a brief appearance last week, but is currently nowhere to be found.
- a big mama's girl. Separation anxiety has definitely set in.
- drinking from her sippy cup all on her own
- regularly throwing food and her cup on the floor
- starting to explore walking in a walker toy
- throwing really great tantrums that either involve her head thrown back, a full-out sprawl on the ground, or folding herself in half until her face is on the ground (we're very nervous for the toddler versions of these)
- very stubborn about when she wants help. Even if she can get to something on her own, if she wants help doing it we usually see one of her tantrums
- discovered how fun it is to pull hair
- loving exploring people's mouths - we joke that she's already following in her dad's footsteps to be a dentist!
- the happiest part of both mom and dad's days. We love her to pieces. Can't wait to see what else she learns and does this next month!!

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