Tuesday, May 31, 2016

7 Months!

I'm a little late writing this one... we've been a little busy around here, in the best way :)

Peyton turned 7 months old! Her personality is getting bigger every day, and this month especially she's really turned into such a happy baby. We can't get enough of her and love to play with her!

This month she:
-- has mastered sitting up (although we still put a pillow behind her because she hasn't figured out how to lay down gently)
-- is exploring lots of finger foods
-- is being really stubborn about not trying crawling, instead she rolls from her back to her stomach and back again over and over until she gets close enough to grab the toy she wants
-- does much better in the car, she loves to babble to herself in the mirror behind her carseat
-- has gotten a little bit of stranger danger, she doesn't love to be handed off to people she doesn't know
-- sometimes shows a strong preference for mom and will lean out of people's arms if I'm standing too close
-- still loves to watch older babies
-- loves to read books, especially ones where she gets to lift the flaps
-- has started to turn into a real chatterbox, but mostly when she's playing by herself
-- still loves to see herself in the mirror
-- has started grabbing onto mom at random times, and usually ends up grabbing a (tiny) fistful that results in a very hard pinch (unfortunately she usually gets the backs of my arms or my neck - ouch)
-- loves, loves, loves playing in the water. She seems to be much less scared of it, and kicks and splashes all the way through bath time
-- her favorite part of her bedtime routine is saying goodnight to dad - she gets a HUGE smile on her face and does a kind of wave to him as he shuts the door and turns off the light. It's adorable.
-- has started shaking her head (also usually just with dad)
--still loves playing with her toes
-- has mastered the pincer grasp and grabs onto anything and everything she can
-- does a great job shopping with mom (riding in the grocery cart on a regular basis), and smiles at lots of people - she always gets comments and people making faces at her
-- pretty consistently is napping 3 times a day (I think this is the biggest contributor to her happy moods) - we couldn't be happier to have figured out this sleeping schedule (at least for now)
-- is getting better and better at playing by herself, as long as mom or dad is still in sight
-- is finally losing the bald spot on the back of her head!
-- loves to jump up and down in her bouncer
-- has discovered a love of blowing spit bubbles

(There were too many good ones to narrow it down, so hopefully you don't mind some extra pictures this month!)

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