Thursday, March 24, 2016

5 Month Update!

Our Peyton girl just turned 5 months old! She is growing, growing, growing, and learning so many new things. We are loving seeing so much more of her personality!

This month she:
-- got not one, but TWO teeth! - she likes to feel them with her thumb
-- has started not hating tummy time
-- now rolls from her back to her stomach all by herself
-- has rolled stomach to back, but usually only when she's really mad
-- squeals when she gets really excited
-- started eating solids, and eats like champ (we still can't quite figure out which ones she likes because she makes a grossed out face every time something new goes in her mouth)
-- learned how to lock her knees and can now stand with help
-- has gotten so good at holding her own head up while trying to sit up
-- has started hating being left alone in a room, she loves to be able to see mom or dad all the time
-- went for lots of stroller rides and trips to new parks
-- figured out she loves the swing
-- sleeps more consistently, and we're starting to try naps in her crib
-- is liking her carseat more
-- decided that her giraffe toy (attached to her carseat) is her best friend/favorite toy (she will babble to it when she thinks we can't see her)
-- is loving her touchy feely books for bedtime stories
-- found mom's hair and likes to pull on it
-- loves to stare at and reach for lotion bottles in the bathroom
-- has started exploring our faces with her hands (she loves to find and pull on our lower lips)

This is the face she makes when she's squealing/babbling

You can almost see her tiny teeth in this one!

Standing with some help from daddy :)

Still has some crazy hair going on...

Tummy time is hard work

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