Saturday, February 27, 2016

4 Month Update

We're a few days late but Peyton is 4 months old! She is growing just like she should - 50th percentile for height and 25th percentile for weight. The doctor said she's making her own curve to follow which sounds about right for her. Doesn't quite do things the way any of us expect haha. 

This month she:
-- has found her thumb! We're excited that she's found a small way to soothe herself since she's still refusing the binky
-- is sitting up in the Bumbo regularly
-- has started being really stubborn about tummy time. She can be really good about it when she wants to be, but if she's not liking it that day then she is sure to let us know
-- loves to show off her big gummy smile, especially after sleeping well
-- is the most unpredictable sleeper (she went a little while sleeping about 7 hours straight, but has also had nights of getting up every 2 hours, sometimes every 3 hours, sometimes she'll sleep for a while and then not want to go back to bed... mom and dad are hoping that adding solids to her diet will help regulate this a little more)
-- has turned into quite the chatterbox. She loves to talk to herself and blow spit bubbles, especially in the car when she can see herself in the mirror
-- wore her hair in a ponytail for the first time! Mom is obsessed with it
-- has started fitting into 3-6 month clothes, but must have short legs because she still fits into 0-3 month bottoms
-- loves to look around and see new things
-- still loves bath time and kicking in the tub
-- loves to be outside, even if the sun makes her sneeze the cutest little sneezes
-- is getting so much better at using her hands - grabs onto anything and everything she can, even if she can't hold onto it very long
-- loves to suck on blankets and her mittens and her shirt
-- realized she hates the blowdryer and the vacuum
-- likes looking at the pictures in books
-- arches her back and twists around but has shown no interest in rolling over
-- likes to scratch herself all over (we just found out she has eczema and are hoping that will stop soon)
-- has figured out how to pull off her "no-scratch" mittens - especially from her right hand
-- went for her first stroller ride around the duck pond and loved it
-- still isn't loving her carseat, but is doing much better
-- loves to play peek-a-boo with her blanket
-- occasionally giggles, but they are hard to come by, and don't normally come with a smile
-- loves coming to primary with mom and dad and getting extra attention from the sunbeams

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