Yesterday, I turned 20 years old. I can't believe how fast time flies. To celebrate I thought I'd try to cross something off my bucket list - doing a triathlon. Luckily, one of my teammates and best friends told me about one that was the morning of my birthday that her husband was doing and she said I could borrow everything from her that I would need. Couldn't be more perfect right?
So... at 6:45 I left my apartment and met Shelby and Andrew at their house and we set on our way. The triathlon was being run backwards so we started with a 5k run (followed by a 12 mile bike and a 500 meeter swim). I felt great and actually ran pretty fast. The biking part was what I was most nervous for... I haven't ever been in a bike race and couldn't tell you the last time I tried to bike faster than a leisurely pace. After about a mile in I found a rhythm.
At mile 2 there was a big dip in the road right before a decent sized intersection. As I came out of the dip and looked up I saw a car out of my peripheral vision. I realized 3 things all in a split second:
1. I couldn't brake fast enough to get out of the way
2. I couldn't speed up enough to get out of the way either
3. I was going to get hit by a car
I can honestly say I've never been that scared in my life.
The car was slowing down and was going about 20-25 MPH as it hit me. The bike slid out from under me and I hit the ground - don't worry... I was wearing a helmet. I took most of the impact on my hip and shoulder. After being loaded into the ambulance (check that off the bucket list too) getting checked out, and turning down some morphine, I was urged to go to the ER to make sure I didn't have any broken bones, cracked ribs or other serious injuries.
The neck brace was just a precaution, I promise...
We got to the ER and were taken to the back right away, where the doctor checked everything out. Diagnosis: no broken bones or back/neck injuries, lots of road rash and bruising that will feel worse over the next couple days.
Sorry for showing so much skin... But here are the scrapes up to my shoulder
The hospital found out it was my birthday and gave me a basket full of candy
As we were eating after I got discharged from the hospital my roommate Shawna called saying she needed a ride to the doctor's office because she felt like crap. We ended up spending two hours there for her to get diagnosed with strep and get the antibiotics that she needed.
We've spent the weekend in the apartment trying to let our bodies heal themselves and being taken care of by our awesome friends.
There are a couple things I'm extremely grateful for after this weekend:
- Awesome friends who are actually more like family
- A miraculous body that will heal itself
- Memorable birthdays
- Neighbors who stop by and bring me some of my favorite things
- People who love and worry about me
- The fact that I didn't get seriously injured (still trying to figure out how that happened)
- The Priesthood and the comfort it has given me
- Family members that are worthy Priesthood holders and are willing to give me blessings
- Neosporin, Advil, and medicine in general
- Otter pops
Here's to starting my 20's off with a bang...