Our Allie is 6 months old! I can't believe it. I know almost every mom goes through this, but it feels like she just joined our family a few weeks ago, and at the same time I can't imagine life without her. She really has been such an amazing addition and blessing to our family and we all love her very, very much!
This month she:
-- is moving all over the place. Most of the time I don't know how she gets to where she ends up on the carpet. She wants so bad to be crawling, but for right now is turning, rolling, and moving backwards to get what she wants
-- smiles a big smile at us when we call her name
-- is able to find us and make eye contact from other rooms when we call for her
-- still teething without any teeth
-- has longer hair than I know what to do with most days. She's had a few days of ponytails and pig tails that are very cute
-- still loves to stand up any chance she gets and doesn't like being put down after we let her stand up
-- can *mostly* sit up by herself. We still put pillows behind/around her, but feel confident leaving her on her own like that
-- is waking up once a night most nights, but is still an early riser (usually 7 at the very latest)
-- grabs at anything and everything that comes within reach
-- almost dives at our plates of food if we hold her during meals. She keeps showing so much interest in table food!
-- has tried green beans, peas, apples, mangoes, bananas, and oatmeal cereal and really only likes oatmeal cereal. She's very smart and funny about it - we have to praise her very excitedly to get her to smile big and then sneak the food in. Oh, we've also given her small pieces of tomatoes which she loves too.
-- loves going to the gym and getting lots of attention from the child watch staff
-- loves to play peek-a-boo with us hiding behind books, below counters, behind her feet or our hands, etc.
-- continues to be an easy-going, fun-loving, smiley baby which we are extremely grateful for