-- Facebook memories coming up of things Peyton was learning last year
-- Peyton asking me to sing her a song before every nap/bedtime (she must be tone deaf)
-- Sleeping in later thanks to daylight savings
-- Feeling baby girl kick and wiggle (especially in response to Peyton's voice)
-- A clean apartment
-- Checking things off my to do list
-- Sunny afternoons
-- General Conference happening so soon!
-- Pretty flowers on my kitchen table
-- Holiday candy/treats
-- Generous friends
-- Peyton's curls at the bottom of her hair that just get better as she gets sweaty
-- Making spring break plans
-- Post-nap snuggles from Peyton
-- Planning trips to see family
-- Still being able to work out at 34 weeks (even if it's modified and slow)
-- Random days Chase gets off of school and spends with us
-- Peyton saying new words or answering questions we didn't know she knew
-- Family dancing time
-- Peyton giving kisses to baby sister (my belly)
-- Long phone calls with Julia