This year keeps going faster and faster. I can't believe it's been a month since I last did an update! Peyton is so much fun to have around and keeps us laughing on a regular basis with her funny faces and new things she is learning. It's been a busy month for her developmentally and she's so close to so many new skills too. We love her more every day!
This month she:
-- learned how to wave!! It's my new favorite thing about her. She gets her whole arm into it and it's adorable. She waves "hi," and "bye," and "goodnight"
-- is eating table foods more and more and sometimes seems like she prefers them to her baby foods
-- figured out how to fake cough and fake laugh and cracks herself up doing it
-- wants SO bad to be mobile, but is too stubborn to do it herself
-- knows what we're signing to her and responds when we show her
-- signed to us that she wanted to be nursed just once in the car, but refuses to do it again haha
-- learned how to use her sippy cup
-- started to pull herself up on mom and dad's hands, and sometimes on her walker toy
-- has loved going swimming, and goes under water and comes up a little startled, but not crying!
-- started singing to herself
-- is a very good actress/stubborn about what she eats. If she's not interested in the food we've picked out she can almost convince us that she's not hungry, and usually succeeds in getting us get a different kind of food for her
-- started putting syllables together
-- loves chanting da-da-da and aja-ja-ja
-- learned how to be content in her crib after sleeping. She'll talk and play with her stuffed monkey in there for 30+ minutes on a good day
-- mastered an army crawl/roll/spin to get to where she wants to be
-- has started bouncing/dancing when she hears music or us singing or just when she's really happy and excited
-- tried her first lemon (probably dad's favorite part of the whole month)
-- met her great-grandma and grandpa Haws for the first time! She loved them
-- watched Aunt Julia graduate high school (and was a HUGE trooper through the ceremony)
-- started taking steps if mom or dad is holding her hands and helping her forward
-- holds herself up on furniture/people's legs and laps for about 10 seconds before getting distracted and losing her balance or forgetting that she's the one holding herself up
-- has started pulling out books to read from the shelf and definitely has some favorites
-- is still fascinated by the diaper bag (sometimes we wonder why we bothered spending money on baby toys)
-- LOVES to play with the car keys (thank goodness we have a keyless start car) - it's mom's go-to meltdown fixer
-- laughs with/at us when we pinch her bum before bathtime
-- has gotten much more social and interactive with people around her
-- is guaranteed to laugh when we hold her and help her chase anyone around
-- gets comments ALL the time on her pretty blue eyes
-- goes by sweet girl, stinky, stinker bug, stinkalous, peyton lula, lula, little lady
-- recognizes and responds to her name