Friday, September 21, 2012

Weekend To-Do List

  • Take Grammar Test
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences
  • Go to the temple
  • Visit Brittany at Blickenstaff's
  • Go see the Chalk Festival at the Riverwoods
  • Try a new restaurant
  • Get extra miles in
  • Lacrosse practice
  • Lacrosse team bonding
  • Drive the Alpine Loop (before the leaves start to fall)
  • Girls' Date Weekend with Si
  • Dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's
It's going to be a great rest of the weekend...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

You know those days...

... when everything goes right?
... when all the girls you teach participate in class?
... when the mountains are perfect colors that remind you of home?
... when you actually feel like you've taught someone something?
... when someone gives you a compliment that is exactly what you need to hear?
... when your internet and cable come back on?
... when the weather is absolutely perfect?
... when you make it up the stairs without being out of breath?
... when you feel on top of all your school work?
... when you're the best kind of sore that lets you know you had a great workout?
... when you have enough time to go early to lacrosse practice and shoot?
... when you don't care how busy the next couple weeks are because this day is great just the way it is?

Yeah... today was one of those days. And I couldn't be happier about it.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

4 for Kay

Now that I'm more settled in Provo, I make it back to VA usually three times a year. Once for Christmas, once over the summer, and once for the Women's Four Miler. There are more and more participants every year and I'm always so impressed with their dedication to such a great cause. My mom, sister and I all run the race in honor of my grandmother who was a breast cancer survivor. As always the best part of the day is hearing the inspiration stories that come from survivors, family members, friends, and all the people there that day.

Here are some pictures from the day!

Even the sky was pink!
Right before the race...
After the race, with Grandma's name from the Motivational Mile
Weekend well spent? I think so...